Hanover Township Treasurer/Tax Collecor

The Hanover Township Tax Office announces that the 2025 County/Municipal tax bills are issued February 19, 2025.  They are due at the discount amount through April 18, 2025 the face amount until June 18, 2025, or the penalty amount which ends December 31, 2025.  NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER DECEMBER 15, 2025.  ALL PARTS OF THE ORIGINAL BILL MUST BE PRESENTED.  ADDRESS CHANGES ARE TO BE CHANGED AT THE LUZERNE COUNTY ASSESSORS OFFICE (570) 825-1532.  VALID PHONE NUMBERS MUST BE PRESENT OR WRITTEN ONTO ALL CHECKS.

Payments may be made at the Tax Office.  Office hours are 10 AM-12PM and 1PM to 4PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.  Fridays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM.  The Tax Office is located inside the Hanover Township Municipal Building, 1267 Sans Souci Parkway.

Payments may also be made via mail to Hanover Township Tax Collector, 1267 Sans Souci Parkway, Hanover Township, PA 18706.  If a receipt is desired, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope and the entire bill.

All tax bills are sent directly to the property owner, not to banks or mortgage companies. You as the property owner are responsible for providing the mortgage company or escrow with the tax bill.

Checks must be written correctly and legibly and made payable to Tara Bowers, Tax Collector.    

Any property owner who has not received a tax bill should contact the Hanover Township Tax Collector’s Office at (570) 825-1256.

Thank you,

Tara Bowers
Hanover Township Tax Collector

Main Number: 570-825-8522 | Main Fax: 570-825-1242 | 1267 Sans Souci Parkway, Hanover Township, PA 18706